Thursday, December 25, 2008

On Christmas Eve's eve...

..., the day before yesterday, I found a wallet in the snow. I found a way to get it back to its owner. She was very nice and gracious. I found this unusual, because it has been my experience that honesty must be its own reward as most people do not know how to be grateful when you do something nice for them. A sad commentary on the state of humanity, yes?

She offered me money, which I initially turned down. I didn't do it for money-I did it because it was the right thing to do, and because my mom would be mad if I didn't do the right thing (see November 8th's entry for further elaboration on fear and my mom :-), and because I would like for someone to do the same for me. I'm no angel, and I'm not trying to get into heaven. I just don't want to be the kind of person I dislike; in short, a thoughtless, selfish asshole. That really is my main motivation in life, to not be an asshole, and most of the time, I like to think that I'm successful in that venture.

But this nice woman insisted that I take the money, and said "Merry Christmas" over and over. So I slipped the ten-dollar bill into my pocket, and wished her a merry Christmas, too. I went back to work, and wanted to tell my co-workers about the nice lady and the nice gesture. I reached into my pocket to examine the ten-dollar bill...

...and discovered that it was wrapped around two twenties. Fifty bucks, just for being a non-asshole.

The thing is, I'm feeling a little bad about the money. If I had known that it was that much, I would have been more adamant about not taking it. I'm not sure what I should do with it. Maybe donate it to charity? Buy a round for friends? It just seems a little weird to have profited by doing the right thing. But it's also really nice that someone appreciated the right thing being done. Doesn't happen enough in life.

"..and to all, a good night."



Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

What a nice experience! Of course you did the right thing, because that is who you are! As for gratitude...I find myself ever so grateful for those around me, but I have a difficult time accepting service from other people. Gracious, absolutely. Thankful, of course. Willing to ask for help even when I need it? Not so much. Something to work on, I guess. As usual, I digress. Merry Christmas!

aworkinprogress said...

I'm the same way. I have a hell of time asking for help. So much so that I think that I at times appear ungracious when it is offered. But I'm working on it (all part of that not-being-an-asshole thing:-)

Merry Christmas!

Elena said...

Of course you did the right thing. The woman was most likely grateful for your honesty as well. It's too bad that more people can not take a page out of your book or hers and be gracious like that. ~Elena

Anonymous said...

This story has a bit of an O. Henry quality to it... and you get to write an ending of your own. I don't know what I'd do; buying a round of drinks for friends sounds nice, and then "pay it forward" someday, do something crazy-generous for someone not expecting to be thanked or rewarded for something. I don't know.

Merry Christmas, from me and HRG!

Jenn said...

I say donate it to people who do good things all the time. The people they help will profit from the people you help. And the world keeps turning.

Anonymous said...

You did what you were brought up to do....treat others the way you would like to be treated. My suggestion, since the lady was adamant about giving you the "reward" is to go blow it on YOURSELF. Your Mom and I are proud (as usual).

SamCicero said...

I like yiur writting. Simple not complicated. In Swahili we say `Tenda wema enda zako' meaning just do what you are supposed to do and walk away.