Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sweater Season

Oh, lovely autumn! I'm sitting at my little bistro-style table, staring out of my window at the little bit of Lake Michigan that comes into view (not a a panoramic view by any means-you kinda have to crane the neck a bit to see water), getting ready to brew a second cup of Kenya coffee. It is sweater weather, cooler than the sweltering humidity of summer (though this past one was possibly the mildest I've dealt with in Chicago). The days bring with them the possibility that it may be a little warmer, or a little cooler, a sunny day or a rainy one. I love that about autumn-the reprieve from the heat, and the variety in temperature, precipitation, cloud coverage. I love the changing of the leaves. Back-to-school sales on supplies (the writer in me loves shopping for just the right pad of paper, the perfect clicky-pen). The fall harvest with its apples and winter squashes and pumpkin flavors galore. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin spice lattes, even. Not to mention the breaking out of jeans and sweaters, the best of comfort clothes. Fall is simply my favorite time of year. Hope you're enjoying it, too.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

my retinas feel seared...

I just watched a video on YouTube of Celine Dion singing AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long". Is that even legal?

I've spent the week benched because of an ankle injury. I actually missed working out. Yes, my name is Colleen, I am a NON SMOKER who is in bed by 9:30 p.m., eats HEALTHY and WORKS OUT. These are not typos. Hey, I guess if Celine can sing heavy metal, all things are possible.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Quick Update

Hey, all!-

So I started a new blog just in time for my semester to open and I'm not able to add much to it at the moment because I'm in full on freak-out mode due to a certain "pass/fail" policy in one of my classes. There was supposed to be a whole bit here about the beginning of fall & the difference between college at college-age and college at this end of 30 and an observation on my ability to succeed being related to when I choose to panic. But all I can manage is a few words here to say that I'm here, busy as all get-out, and determined to keep up.

But that means fewer words here, fewer towards my writing aspirations, and less social time all around. Thems the breaks.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Blog

New blog, new photo, same ol' me. Check back soon.