Sunday, December 7, 2008

Finding Your Self Online

Lately, I've been acutely aware of the fantabulousness of networking websites. Are you on Facebook? MySpace? Friendster? Do you blog at Wordpress? LiveJournal? Blogger? Hell, just do a Yahoo! search on someone & chances are you'll find a little tidbit about their life. Unless, of course, they have a stupid common name like Christopher Burgess, who still owes me money in addition to being impossible to Google effectively. (Are you reading this, Chris? Do you remember how much you owe me? Well, I do, I surely do, so why don't you do a little Swiffering of your karma here & send me a check already? It's never too late to repay a debt, you know?).


My point is, the vastness of the World Wide Web has made it possible for me to touch base with many, many people that I would not have had the chance to otherwise. From high school through college, to my early days in Chicago, to different jobs I've held, different circles I've navigated, there are a plethora of rekindled connections, all neatly bundled up with pictures and contact info and insights into the persons that they are now. And with each new email, friend request, message in the "inbox", I find myself getting back in touch, too, with the person I was when I knew them, way back when (but not so long ago to be forgotten).

Another blessing. Another line on my "grateful" list. It just keeps getting longer and longer.



troy said...

It is pretty amazing and pretty silly all in one neat package!

aworkinprogress said...

The websites, this post, or me? :-)

TSC said...

"swiffering of your karma" hahaha