Sunday, October 12, 2008


I'm getting ready to head out to Colorado this week, to say a final goodbye to my father's brother George. It's difficult for me to be articulate and relevent during emotionally turbulent times like this. I've been forced to confront my own feelings about illness and mortality in the last 6 years that I've worked in vet medicine, but that being the case, I still find myself not feeling particularly strong, or prepared. Mostly, I feel just truly humble, knowing that regardless of the circumstance we all must submit to the force of nature that eventually demands our breath and blood. There is no getting around that reality.

And if you don't die, you have to watch your loved ones do it. There is just no getting around that, either.


1 comment:

troy said...

I truly am sorry for your family's grief. Know you are in my heart and prayers kiddo!