Sunday, October 26, 2008

Like I've ever been normal...

...but I am getting back to some semblance of it. I'm not smoking; the patch is helping with that. I went so long without cigarettes that even when I crave one, I'm reminded that breathing freely is normal for me now. Drinking coffee without a cigarette? Normal. Taking a break without a cigarette? Normal. Typing a blog without a cigarette? Normal. It's all good.

I spent the day watching movies (No Country for Old Men is brilliant!), doing some laundry, running a few errands, eating too much cheese (cheese-the main reason I will not go vegan), and prepping for another busy week. And just basking in getting back to feeling like myself. Maybe even a better version of myself, because that's what extreme experiences can do for you. Give you an opportunity to morph into a better & stronger you. If you don't let it tear you apart.

And I choose the former, thank you very much.

I'm going to make some tea, finish folding my socks, gather my thoughts on getting through my week. Oh, yeah, and the dishes. Gotta do the dishes...



troy said...

rock on non-smoking, sock folder 2008!

Melissa said...

"...because that's what extreme experiences can do for you..." I love that sentiment and deeply admire the person you are.

Hey, when you're done with your dishes you wanna come over and do mine?