Saturday, January 3, 2009

Two New Projects

I've got two new documentary-style projects in the works, both of them in blog-format. The first is entitled "A Year in Pictures". For every day of 2009, I will be posting a digital photograph. It is based on a project that I read about a while back, where a woman took a picture every single day (on an old-school 35 mm, no less). She found that, amidst the pictures of her feet and other banality, that she had captured very special moments that she would not have otherwise. Now that I have a digital camera and am in the habit of blogging regularly, I decided to create a similar project for myself. This documenting of the year will also carry particular resonance with me, for reasons that some of you are aware of and that will become public soon enough.

The second is a journal entitled "The CTA Diaries". I have wanted to explore for myself the relationship between rider and transit in Chicago as it has fascinated me since before I even moved here. Hey, the "El" is legend outside these borders, you know? This particular project, though, is on hold for a bit, as I'm still deciding on the slant, and on whether the blog will be public (as I don't think I am comfortable with strangers knowing my transit-riding schedule, just in case).

Anyway, hit the links to your right if you are curious, and leave comments at will. Thanks!



Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

I love the idea of taking a picture a day and posting it! I am considering the possibilities, but am already two days late. Interesting.

aworkinprogress said...

Do it anyway! It doesn't have to be in the context of the calendar year. Even the pics that I'm not posting are turning out very precious to me. I mean, how much of our lives goes undocumented, yet still have so much meaning?

I'm so jazzed about this, and I've only been doing it for 3 days. Happy New Year!

Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

I did it. No pictures yet, but at least it is up. Thanks for the challenge!

Anonymous said...

Intriguing! I've just been given my very first digital camera (and I'm still kinda scared of it!) so I'm eager to see the results of your project.

Show us the way, Colleen!

And Happy New Year!

aworkinprogress said...

Figure out that camera, MCP, and start your own blog! It'll be FUN!