Saturday, June 13, 2009


I gave notice to the green apron company. My last day was going to be this coming Thursday, but they found a transfer from the 'burbs and didn't really need me, so my last day is tomorrow. I've been wanting to write something about this latest move of mine, but I'm still punching two clocks and I'm just so tired that I'm finding myself with little energy to devote to things like this blog. That's a big part of why I'm leaving.

I'm not currently enrolled in school, and soon I will be working one full-time job and that's it. I'll be back here to write more, as I will have the time to go with my motivation.

After I get some good sleep in, of course. Goddamn, but I deserve it.



troy said...

Congrats on leaving the Buck, again. ;)

Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

Good for you! You deserve sleep!

Melissa said...

Swinging two jobs is good, it has perks like a free cuppa joe, but sleep is better! Good for you.

MCP said...

Hard as it is to juggle two jobs, it must also be hard to leave one of them, even if it makes good sense to do so. Especially in these dicey economic times. Good luck and all; enjoy the sleep. The time to write. The time for friends and critters. Well earned, I'd say.