Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More Randomness...

10 Random Things:

1. I do not use speed dial unless I programmed the phone myself. It's a leftover neuroses from my days as a telemarketer. I dial my own numbers, every time.

2. My first moment onstage was in a Christmas play at my church. I was in second grade. My brother played a teenager learning about the meaning of Christmas, my sister was an angel (who quoted from the New Testament), and I was one of a dozen caroling children. Neither of my siblings remember this, though our father does.

3. When I like a movie, I will get the DVD and watch it over and over and over again. For example, I saw BATMAN BEGINS in the theater 3 times, and nearly 20 times on DVD at home before I got sick of it. Same with TV shows.

4. I have no tattoos, and only one piercing in each ear. I do, however, still want to streak my hair bright blue. Right before I shave it off and go bald.

5. I have a phobia about hypodermic needles, and had to force myself to touch them the first year I worked in vet medicine. Every now & again, I still stop and get a little nauseous in the middle of a blood draw.

6. I can fall asleep just about anywhere. In every class from junior high through college, on several bus and train rides in the city, at the opera, in the middle of a good book, at my night job at Kinko's 10+ years ago. The amount of caffeine in my bloodstream has made no difference in this propensity. Trust me, I've tried.

7. Ice cream is my favorite sweet, and I will eat just about any flavor that doesn't have chocolate. If I crave chocolate, it is the ultra-dark, 85% cacao, high end stuff, and that I only eat by itself. Ice cream and chocolate don't mix for me.

8. As the child of a mixed-race couple, I am mind-boggled by people who feel at home with their own "kind". I have never felt that way and have no frame of reference for that mentality whatsoever.

9. I love classical opera, but not so much contemporary musicals, the symphony, or the ballet.

10. I still believe that I can have it all. Just not all at once.



troy said...

Great post, I needed that tonight!

Brian (Gus) and Kathy (Kat) said...

I love this post...I can relate to #8 as well. A quote I love that sums up my feelings...'You are you and I am I,' says Confucious. I give my right hand to the Occidentals and my left to the Orientals, hoping that between them they will not utterly destroy the insignificant 'connecting link'."— Edith Eaton

Anonymous said...

I am intrigued by #9. Most opera lovers I have encountered also embrace classical music and the ballet. At the same time, classical music lovers -- a much broader audience -- do not always love opera. I remember a pledge drive that WFMT had a few years back, and one of their money-raising funds was called "no sopranos before 10AM!" As I recall, they collected a lot of money in that fund....

Anyway, I hope you'll write more about this sometime...